Friday, April 13, 2018

National Humor Month

April is many "national" months-- poetry, of course, and also lawn and garden, grilled cheese, soft pretzel, garlic, jazz appreciation, and humor. My students speculate that the last is because of April Fools Day, and whether they are right or not, I like that they're thinking.

Yesterday's poetry challenge was to write a cinquain about an animal, and today the Jolly Rancher Challenge was to tell me a joke about an animal. If I laugh, you win!

I spent the day laughing! Here are some of the best:

Where do killer whales play music?
the Orca-stra

Did you hear I'm moving to Australia to work in a zoo?
Don't worry, I'm koalified.

Why can't T-rexes clap their hands?
Because they're dead.

Why did the sheep get a ticket?
illegal ewe turn

What do you do when your dog eats your pencil?
Use a pen.

Why are pterodactyls so quiet in the bathroom?
Their p is silent.

Knock knock
Who's there?
Cows go
Cows go who?
No! Cows go moo!

You would think a snail without his shell would be a little quicker,
but actually he's more sluggish.

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