Sunday, December 4, 2022

Jane Who?

We were well acquainted with the dangers of the Christmas tree lot, and so we guarded against getting a tree that seemed the right size but would end up being enormous for the space we have. And it was good that our sights were on the smaller side, given the astronomical tree prices this year, for which we were also prepared. 

But after a busy weekend of other tree shoppers, the nursery was nearly sold out of medium trees this afternoon when we got there. We contemplated trying another place, but this establishment had given every single tree on the lot a unique name, which seemed at first puzzling, and then corny, and then downright charming as we considered our options: here was Merry, there Lucius, over there Marshall. 

And when we tipped Jane up to take a look at her, she seemed nicely shaped, if compact for her class, and we figured with a couple inches off the bottom, she could be the tree for us. So, we tapped one of Santa's helpers (That's a job title there-- the trees have names, but the workers are anonymous as elves.), and he carried Jane off to get a fresh cut and wrapped up to go, while we went to pay an exorbitant amount for her. 

She did seem a little light when we got her off the roof rack once at home, but we welcomed the ease with which we got her up the stoop, into the house, and on the stand. However, when we took a step back to admire our 2022 tree, Jane seemed much smaller than any tree we've ever had. Confused, we checked her name tag and the number on her pink ribbon. Both matched up with what we had seen at the lot; there was no mistaken identity here. 

"We'll make it work," I shrugged, and Heidi agreed, but we're still not sure how that happened.

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