Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Looking Up

We set off on another urban hike today with the intention to explore a little neighborhood not too far from our home, but one we had never been to. And it was kind of an adventure; we saw two things that are very rare in our county: a condemned house and, a few blocks away, a vacant lot, all of this within sight of the gates to the country club.

And what about that private property? Maps say that pedestrians may travel the access road through, but the signs on the brick pillars bracketing the entry way explicitly state otherwise. In the end, we turned around and headed home by another route, one that included another rare sighting.

There, above the classic summer cumulus clouds, was a wispy cirrus cloud with a rainbow at its center. It turned out to be a circumhoriztional arc, also known as a fire cloud or a rainbow cloud.

As we walked home the cloud drifted and changed shape, but the rainbow stayed. 

Rachel Carson wrote in Silent Spring that, "Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts."

I'd like to think she's right; I have a feeling we may need to tap those reserves in the coming days.