Friday, November 26, 2021

Good Clean Fun Allowed

For many years, the beach town where we are staying had the reputation as the party town of the area. Groups of young people would band together to rent beach houses and spend days roasting by the ocean and nights roasted at the bars on the strip. A few years ago, the town government passed a number of ordinances aimed at making this place a bit more family friendly. Regulations regarding the size of groups, parking, and noise have gone a long way toward taming this 

Of course, it's difficult to accurately gauge in November the level of carousing for a summer destination; not surprisingly, it's been awfully quiet around here in the week we've spent. Even so, activity and traffic have picked up over the last couple of days as the holiday weekend has approached. And tonight, as we were playing Trivial Pursuit, we heard a great ruckus outside. Several loud and excited young voices were shouting at each other on the street in front of our rental house. 

Finally, my brother stepped out on the balcony to see what was going on. He returned a moment later with the threat assessment. "They are playing tag," he reported. A little while later, the voices moved off in another direction, and we were left to enjoy our peaceful little stretch of the beach.