Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Those Who Can't

We had our first two teacher-for-a-day lessons today, and they were both done virtually. Despite planning requirements and direct advice from me, the first lesson was just a talking head-- one guy discussing beyblade battle strategy. Sure, he waved some beyblades around, assembling and disassembling them all the while pontificating about contact points and spin-stealing. 

The next lesson was on WWII-- it began with a 6 1/2 minute video which led into the teacher reading all the text from a set of black and white slides. The whole thing ended with a five question quiz, which I scored a 0 on. That't right-- I didn't get a single question correct.

To be fair, social skills are not a strength for either of these kids, and the other students were generally kind, and even appreciative, but it made me a little sad that they think that's what teaching is.

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