Friday, April 16, 2021

The Best Medicine

For me, one thing that has definitely been missing from school lately is laughter. The concentration required to keep the necessary plates spinning leaves very little room for spontaneity. Add to that the natural disconnect of virtual interaction, without cameras, with kids you have never met in person and you get a bit of a humor dead zone. Or at least I have.

But today, in my last class of the day, with a lesson I had taught 4 times already, things lightened up a little bit.

Maybe it was "Fun Fact Friday", a tradition I instituted last week with this group because I see them every day, even with block scheduling, and so we need some extra chat snaps. The kids are invited to post any fun fact they know or can find, to school the rest of us. Today we learned that fish can cough, turtle are not silent, and there was a cat who went to college.

Moving on with the poetry lesson, I asked them to post their best definition of simile and metaphor. When Simile is the knock off version and metaphors are the brand you see in a well known store but never get popped up on my screen, I laughed out loud. 

Next it was to write some similes about homework, your best friend, and your family. Here's what we got:

My family are a bunch of wild banjos And yes i mean banjos 🪕 

Me and my best friend are like Mountain Dew and Doritos. 

Doing homework is as fun as smelling rocks 

Doing homework is like when your mom asks to see your phone. 

Doing my homework is as much fun as listening to my fish cough. 

When the bell rang, we were all laughing. 

I have to credit the co-educator I work with-- she and I have gone a long way to make our special education inclusion class a supportive place to learn. I also have to give props to the creative group of students we have in that class. Somehow, we make it work, and today? 

We made it fun.

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