Wednesday, September 26, 2018

A Story to Show What They're Like

We were doing an activity to help the students find possible topics for their personal narratives. Randomly generated questions appeared on the screen, and the kids were supposed to answer them in their small groups. What stories show what my family and I are like? popped up. I looked at the three boys at my table.

"My family likes guns!" said one of them right away, misreading the question. "We love hunting!"

The other boys were wide-eyed.

"What's a story from a time you and your family were hunting?" I asked, trying to refocus him.

"Wait!" one of the other boys said. "Have you really shot a gun?"

"Yes!" the first guy said. "It is really awesome!"

"What about a story, though?" I pressed. "Like a memorable time you were shooting or hunting?"

"My family hates guns!" said the second kid. "We like playing charades, though. Except we always pick the same thing and then it's no fun."

"My family doesn't like guns either," said the third boy. "My parents talk really loud on the phone, though!"

The next question popped up, What was a time you were embarrassed? and off they went on another tangent.

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