Friday, July 14, 2023

Trusting and Verifying

My sister thoughtfully gave Heidi a petcam for Christmas, but after we set it up on a living room bookshelf it turned out that Lucy and the cats pretty much spend their days sleeping a lot and stretching a little and that’s about it. 

As such, the app has gone untapped on my phone for a while, until this trip, that is. When our first-time pet sitter had some trouble with the sliding glass door, it occurred to me that I could see her on the camera and offer assistance. Oh, she was able to resolve it without any real-time help from me, but now I’ve been browsing recordings of her spending time with the cats at our house, thumbing through her phone, watching TV, eating the candy we left for her, and keeping Milo and Tibby company, just as we hoped she would.

I know it seems a little creepy, but it’s not like I watch for hours; 15 seconds is pretty much my limit before boredom sets in. I also draw the line at only viewing recordings— it’s voyeuristic enough without watching the live feed!

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