Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Never Have I Ever

A couple of weeks ago, when I was on vacation, feeling relaxed, and everything seemed possible, I read an article that recommended brining my thanksgiving turkey. The technique has been popular with certain foodies for decades, but I had never given it a try. “I’m going to brine the turkey this year!” I announced to all within earshot, and so a plan was hatched.

Flash forward a weekend and an article in the NYTimes which made the case that brining was useless and dead. My resolve crumbled a bit at the edges, but I understand that intelligent cooks can disagree, and brining was still on the agenda.

“Are you doing anything fancy with the turkey?” My brother asked last night, and we launched into another conversation about the pros and cons and logistics of brining.

“Despite the recent turn about, people who have been doing it for years are committed,” I cited the article.

“Of course,” my brother agreed. “It’s their tradition, now.”

And that pretty much settled it for me. Perhaps Thanksgiving is not really the time to try something new.

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