Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Watch and Learn

Heidi and I have had our Apple watches for about 5 years now; so long that, not only have they become one of the devices we rely on daily, but we take for granted their ability to track our activity, alert us immediately to the news and weather, answer calls and texts, and oh yes, tell the time. Apple is always pushing down new tweaks and features, many of the look-what-our-watches-can-do-now novelty version, and to be honest, we rarely even notice them.

Recently, more time and fewer choices about spending it, have made our activity and workouts kind of a bigger focus in our daily lives. I always checked my rings, but now I'm looking at my trends, too. I want those arrows by exercise, distance, cardio fitness, walking pace, running pace, and stand minutes per hour to be pointing up, even though part of me knows quite well that no arrow left behind is just a statistical impossibility.

Another feature our watches have offered is the ability to share exercise activity with a friend. The idea seems mostly to encourage friendly competition, but Heidi and I know better than that. We started sharing activity a couple weeks ago with a promise to never compete. So now, any time either of us finishes a workout or completes an achievement, the other gets a notification, even if we're standing right next to each other. But, what could be very annoying, also comes with the perk of being able to shoot off a little prewritten message of encouragement.

And, those writers at Apple are pretty clever: it's rare that we don't get a giggle out of our options, whether we want salty or sweet. For example, after a long walk, we can send Did you miss the bus? or You're wearing out those shoes! 

Some of the other gems:
Oof! Can't match that!
Pop and fizz!
Don't hurt yourself.
Numbers don't lie.
Now that's some walking
Feeling more flexible?
You're my favorite runner.
Not only that, but the algorithm is smart enough to give us new choices every time.

Oh, it's a small pleasure, but aren't those the ones that count most right now?


  1. I love the playful tone of this. Yes, the small pleasures are where it's at right now!

  2. I laughed at the part about agreeing not to compete, but I guess that's what keeps it enjoyable. I wonder who gets to sit around and think up those comments?! Fun post.
