Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Stretching those Muscles

In an effort to use my virtual office hours a little more productively, today I planned an online quiz game to review the poetry vocabulary students have been using all month as they write their poems. It wasn't too difficult at all to use screen share so that the kids who showed up for the conference could play the game. Just as we do in school, I was able to praise the knowledge they demonstrated and take a minute to clarify after questions where there was some confusion.

I had just finished explaining the difference between literal and figurative language with a few silly examples and the observation that many people literally use the term "literally" as the opposite of what it means, which is actually using it figuratively, when I looked out at the six faces in their little boxes and smiled. "Wow!" I said. "Was it me, or was I just actually teaching?"

They nodded, and we laughed.

"That sure felt good!" I continued. "I didn't realize how much I missed it!"

1 comment:

  1. So good, indeed! I may have already told you this earlier in the year, but I had a student write, "She literally died. It took her like six months to recover."
