Saturday, May 25, 2019


The bonus challenge for writers the other day was to choose which element fit them best and explain why. Was it earth, air, fire, or water? There were some very interesting conversations, to be sure.

"I'm iron," one kid told me, "Fe. Because I'm strong."

"Not those elements," I corrected him. "But I'll be sure to tell the science teacher that you are on it!"

"I'm water, because I like to swim," said another.

It was a little prosaic, but she's 12."

"I don't get it," another kid told me. "How can I be those things?"

"Think figuratively," I told him, "not literally."

"I think I'm fire then," he said, "because I have a temper."

And so it went:

"I'm earth, because people say I'm grounded."

"I'm air because I'm quiet, until I'm not!"

I remembered those conversations today as I planted our hanging baskets and power-washed the deck. "Who wouldn't want to be water?" I thought, "Both gentle and strong."

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