Sunday, March 10, 2013

Tales of the Time Change

"Condolences on your least favorite day of the year," a colleague called snarkily over her shoulder on Friday.

"Enjoy your short weekend," I rejoined in the same spirit.


*     *     *
My brother is traveling to Texas today. "Is that like double Daylight Savings Time for you?" I asked. 

"No, it's like traveling back into Eastern Standard Time," he said.


*     *     *

"How's it going?" a neighbor asked this morning as our dogs sniffed each other.

"Fine, considering it's the worst day on the calendar," I sighed.

She was sympathetic. "At least dogs can't tell time," she offered. "On this end, they'll let you sleep in."



  1. Funny! My 7 year old got up this morning and came sleepily into our bedroom. He climbed in with us and mumbled, "I hate daylight savings time!" We know just how you feel around here!

  2. Yes, the time change in the spring is tough for the first couple of days. Even though I am retired now...the time change still messes with me. Jackie

  3. I love the fact that it's 6:40 and still light. I will love that tomorrow when I get home and can walk my dog before it gets dark. I won't, however, love the darkness in the morning. Even if I am a morning person! Yawn!

  4. Daylight savings time seems to throw everyone off. I love your little snippets all relating to the same topic.

  5. I love the word snarkily or the word snarky. I totally get the feeling. There is something about this word that just calls for a sneer. Good luck tomorrow. This week is always a tired one for me.

  6. I never told my younger two and they adjusted pretty well. Think Spring!

  7. I'm just glad the worst day of the year was sweetened with warm weather. Couldn't have endured cold weather and a stolen hour at the same time.
