Saturday, May 17, 2014

You Don't Say

It's not that I don't learn new things every day--  as an educator, especially, I delight in those daily discoveries. Whether it's the unfolding of a news story or seeing a side of a student I never imagined,  I know that liife is full of new information and insights. 

It is rare, though, that my mind is blown by what I learn; usually it's more of an aha or even an oh right moment. That's why my jaw dropped in stunned silence today when I heard that ABBA's hit Dancin Queen was actually written for the current queen of Sweden on the occasion of her marriage to the king. What?!  

I know the band, and I know the song (who doesn't?),  but even after hearing it hundreds of times in the last 38 years,  I had no idea about its back story. 

That surprised me.

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