Friday, March 6, 2009


I like my days to have 24 hours-- is that so wrong? For a long time, I believed that most people felt that way, too, and that daylight savings time was just a necessary evil imposed on us by bureaucrats hoping to squeeze a few extra pennies out of the nation's energy account. Once I said so to a group of teachers.

"Who, in their right mind, wants a shorter weekend with the result of having to get up an hour earlier on Monday? The mornings are just getting light by the time my alarm rings at 5:30, and now I'll be forced to go back to rising in total darkness," I grumbled, looking around for the nods of agreement I was sure were coming.

Oh, my gosh, the uproar! You'd have thought I was in favor of calling off spring itself. "What! You don't like daylight savings time? But it stays light so much longer in the afternoon."

"Oh, it does not," I argued. "That's all in your head! Listen, if you want some extra daylight, get up an hour earlier and do a little work in the dark, but leave me out of it." Of course I couldn't win. They called me "wacky" and changed the subject.

I know it's only an hour. I know I'll forget all about my lost hour in a few weeks when the sun rises earlier and my sleep patterns adjust. But my hour will be out there waiting, just waiting, for some far-off weekend in November when DST will go down in a glorious 25 hour day.


  1. I'm a bit grumpy about my 23-hour-day myself!

  2. Sorry Tracey,
    While I understand your point of view, I love more light in the afternoon. 5:00 in the light of day, thank GOD I don't life in Norway,

  3. The medical world is on your side as well...the risk for heart attacks raises the day after the clocks go forward. My advice? Ease into it, I set my car clock ahead tonight. Another option? Take Monday off and sleep in. It's good for your health.

  4. I am with you on this! I think I will take Mary's advice and take Monday off!! That sounds great!

  5. This week I noticed that it was finally getting light when I started on the road to work. I liked seeing the swamp at dawn. Today I saw deer and yesterday there was a fox running in front of me. Unfortunately on Monday I'll be trying hard to stay on the dark road.
