Monday, November 16, 2015


I try to balance my class between novel and predictable. So, we have a weekly routine, but within that there are plenty of opportunities for new and different activities to tackle the curriculum. In keeping with that model, Monday is the day I check in with students on their independent reading, and we also have a word study quiz.

This year, there is a student who has been on my team's collective radar literally from the first week of school. Opinionated, vocal, distractible, and self-deprecating, he is also work-avoidant both in and out of class, not a successful combination. On this first Monday of the second quarter, he was unprepared: no book, no reading log, and he readily admitted that he hadn't studied for the quiz.

I can't say I was surprised, but a little while later, he pulled me aside. "I've had enough," he told me earnestly..

I looked at him with curiosity. Despite his academic struggle, he is generally very good-natured, light-hearted even.

"Today is the last time I'm coming without my stuff!" he continued. "I'm going to do my work, read my book, and study! You'll see," he assured me.

"Okay," I answered, "I'm going to hold you to that. But let me know how I can help you, ok?"

He nodded and returned to his seat quietly.

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