Wednesday, August 4, 2010


There's a big part of me that won't allow myself to get emotionally involved with gay rights issues. I can't bear the setbacks-- sometimes I have a hard time separating the political from the personal, and it really stings when people vote to curtail or reject my civil rights. In those situations I always expect the worst, and so far I've rarely been disappointed. (Yeah, I'm talking to you, Maine.)

Proposition 8 in CA is another good example of this. The post-election analysis showing that it was Obama supporters who pushed this gay marriage ban over the top in 2008 still makes me a little weepy. (It also underscores my distrust of the current administration; well, that and Rick Warren's invocation, not to mention the race to the top, but that's a bunch of other blog posts.)

Given all that, I was surprised by the distinct twinge of optimism I felt today when I heard of the federal court ruling overturning Prop 8. I know it's a small victory, but more than that, it's a big step toward a Supreme Court hearing on the issue and maybe even some federal resolution, so that at least I'll know, one way or the other, what the law of this land is when it comes to my family.

And now four words I never thought I'd type: Thank you Ted Olson.

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