Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Attention! Part 1

"The saddest thing happened," one of my colleagues said at lunch the other day. She went on to tell us about a student who was acting a little withdrawn. When she checked in with her, the girl said that the evening before, her 18-year-old sister's toddler had pulled a bookshelf over on herself and was killed in the accident. "She didn't want to talk about it," my colleague said, "but I sent her to the counselor, anyway."

"How awful!" another teacher said, and we all nodded grimly.

"She asked me not to contact her parents," the first teacher continued, "because they were just too upset. 'I've never seen my father cry before,' she said."

"Wait, what?" I said with a frown. "Am I terrible because I think it's a little fishy that she doesn't want us to contact her parents?" I paused. "And she was at school today?"

"Another girl on the other team lost her baby brother very suddenly, too," one of the other teachers said. "I think it was the day before yesterday, and she hasn't missed school at all."

"Two baby deaths in two days?" I raised my eyebrows.

"No!" the first teacher said. "Seriously? Do you guys really think she made it up?"

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