Thursday, July 25, 2019


Heidi had several medical appointments today, and round one was blood work in the lab. It’s a take-a-number system: a little bell rings when the number changes and you show yourself back through the heavy wooden door. As such, the reception window is vacant, but it still offers a portal into the collection sites.

Shortly after we sat down, a high pitched scream pierced the waiting room. What followed was ten excruciating minutes where everyone in the chairs squirmed as a little child hysterically resisted a blood draw. The numbers stopped changing completely as all the lab techs and her grandmother tried to manage the meltdown, and it was heartbreaking to hear her panic rise as well as frustrating to listen to the adults’ misguided approaches to the situation.

At long last we heard the sing-songy voice of a man croon, "You're all finished!" followed by a loud sniff and then silence punctuated quickly by the return of the bell signaling another patient to go back. But all eyes were on the door when it slowly opened from the inside and a little girl in pink trudged out trailed by a stooped woman with gray hair.

"Now I'm afraid to go back there!" one woman told the child in an attempt to leaven the room, but the little girl just wiped a tear and ran down the hallway toward the exit.

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