Friday, July 19, 2019

Home Run

There was no convenient show time any movie we wanted to see at our local theater, but since the temperature was pushing 100,  I searched a little farther afield and found a showing of Spiderman not too far away. "But will they have cheese popcorn?" Heidi wanted to know, because ever since our neighborhood theater added that to the menu, we haven't gone anywhere else, which is not a coincidence.

I searched the chain's website, but a full menu was not available.

"How about Garrett's?" I suggested, since we would be close to the mall, but a stop there was too much time and trouble. "That grocery store with the super cheesy corn is right over there," I said next.

Heidi shrugged unconvinced, "I guess so, if we have time," she sighed.

"Why don't we just see what they have there?" I asked, and in the end, that is what we decided to do.

Despite the heat and the opening of the live action version of The Lion King, the theater was dead, and we bought our tickets and went directly to the concession stand without delay. There on the menu was an item called "Cheetos Popcorn", which was basically a very cheesy popcorn tossed with actual Cheetos.

Good enough!

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