Thursday, March 7, 2019

Dinner of Champions

After a full day of corralling aspiring filmmakers as they stampeded from one location to the next, jockeying for that perfect camera angle, the shot that would bring their commercial over the finish line, I raced from a special education committee meeting to a consultation with my teaching intern and her university advisor to the first of my student-led conferences and around to the copy machine, before finally entering the homestretch.

Fortunately, we have a plan in place for dinner on days like these. Scrambled eggs with french fries and tossed salad is a quick and satisfying meal that provides us with a little time to relax and all the energy we'll need for another day at the track tomorrow. 


  1. corralling and jockeying...I'll take those verbs.

  2. I like how your first paragraph is written with long, jam-packed sentences just like your day. I hope tomorrow is calmer.

  3. Jeez, that's a lot of loops around the track, but you've made it sound as varied as a trail run. Good luck tomorrow!

  4. Like the person commenting above - that first sentence is a brain-full. I had to consciously slow down to read it!!
