Sunday, August 19, 2018

August Blessing

We were playing Name that Tune on our most recent road trip when Jason Mraz's latest single, "Have it All," came on. It was upbeat and boppy, with a nice little positive (if somewhat derivative) gist:

May you have auspiciousness and causes of success
May you have the confidence to always do your best
May you take no effort in your being generous...

...And may the best of your todays be the worst of your tomorrows
And may the road less paved be the road that you follow

"That would be a good writing exercise," I said to Heidi, "to have the kids write their own blessings in that style. Maybe I'll do that for the poetry challenge."

Tonight, on the eve of my first school meeting for the new academic year, I remembered how effortlessly I slipped into sixth grade English teacher mode on August something, somewhere on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. After 25 years, I guess that's who I am, and I'm kinda looking forward to getting back to it.

As for the new year? Take it, Jason:

May you be as fascinating as a slap bracelet
May you keep the chaos and the clutter off your desk
May you have unquestionable health and less stress
Having no possessions though immeasurable wealth
May you get a gold star on your next test
May your educated guesses always be correct
And may you win prizes shining like diamonds
May you really own it each moment to the next

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