Thursday, May 24, 2018

Math Test

The room was set for the state math test: I had counted the names on my testing roster and set up the six tables with three seats each, plus extra desks for the additional students. So when a few kids remained standing, I knew there were some in the wrong place. "No worries," I told the group, "I'm going to take attendance, and if you don't hear your name, let me know and we'll send you to the right testing room." The already overly-complicated high-stakes situation was complicated by the fact that there were five kids I've never met in my group.

Once through the list, though, and I pointed two across the hallway, but there was still one student without a seat. "Did everyone hear your name?" I asked with authority (and a touch of impatience),

They assured me they had.

"Look," I said, "I know there's an extra person in here because there are 22 of you on my roster, and there are six tables with three seats each, and then three extra desks, so 6 times 3 is 18, plus 3 is... oops! Never mind," I finished sheepishly, but it was too late.

"Twenty-one!" they cried, clearly ready for the test at hand.

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