Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Good Call

One of the assistants in our school is a former student. Young, smart, energetic, and full of positive energy, she brightens any class she works with.

This morning I looked across the room during the announcements to see Z throwing his shoes over the table at her. She nimbly dodged the flying sneakers and, when he was out of ammunition, calmly asked if he wanted to go to the gym to walk around.

Shaking his head furiously, he snatched his beloved school bus pictures from the floor and tore them in two.

"How about the clinic?" she suggested. "Do you want to go lie down?"

He visibly relaxed and nodded.

"Let's go," she said, and as she led him out of the room in his socks, I heard her tell him, "Next time you're tired just ask to rest. You don't have to throw your shoes at me!"

A few minutes later she was back. "How is he?" I asked.

"He was asleep before I left," she reported.

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