Sunday, January 14, 2018

I Sleep All Night, and I Work All Day

I learned years ago that when the temperatures fall into the teens, it makes splitting wood amazingly easy. It takes little more than a firm rap with a hatchet to make logs leap apart as if they were held together with springs. If I had to, I would guess it has something to do with whatever water is inside them being frozen, but I don't really care, because it is incredibly satisfying to split pretty substantial pieces of wood into elegant lengths of kindling.

The same principle applies to sticks and branches, and so gathering tinder around our house has been kind of fun the last few frigid weeks. In fact, it has put me in touch with my inner lumberjack.

"You know what I really want?" I asked my brother this morning at brunch.

He shook his head with interest.

"A chainsaw!" I told him.

He laughed. "Why?"

"There's a lot of trees and fallen branches in the woods across the way," I said. "I just want to chain saw it up and then split it for firewood. The woods would look better, and I think it would be very pleasing to do the job."

"Okay, Crazy," he said. "Don't you think you have enough to do already?"

I think I could fit it in.

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