Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Y is for Yellow

When I was little my favorite color was yellow, and even today, if you ask me what color I prefer, I'll say yellow, but I'm not sure how true that is anymore. For example I rarely wear anything yellow, and although my very first car was a yellow Volkswagen Rabbit, I would never buy a yellow car now. It's true that some walls in my house are yellow, but we chose that because it was light and it went with the brown, green, and red of our furniture.

Why do people even have favorite colors, anyway? A quick Google search will give you a couple of psychology articles and some even more fun personality tests along the lines of What does your favorite color tell about you? I looked at yellow, of course, and found that those who prefer it (statistically less than 5% of the population) are happy idealists who are underestimated far too often."People who love yellow sometimes come off as whacky or aloof, but that's just because the moody folks are straight-up jealous."

Maybe that's me, but just to be sure, I looked at some of the other colors I like. Blue folks are calm and cool like the ocean, green overvalue money (but why not nature?), and those who favor black are moody and sophisticated. And in case you are interested? Red is bold, orange is a drama queen, purple is mystical, gray can't decide, pink is naive, white is innocent (what else?), and brown is simple and comfortable.

They all sound pretty reasonable... now I know why I don't have a favorite color!

Life Lesson: "Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud." ~Maya Angelou

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