Sunday, August 24, 2014

Ground Control to Major Tom

Commencing count down, engines on.

We spent a lot of time at my leadership team meeting last week revising the vision and mission statements for our school. There was some confusion between the two; in general it was agreed that cultivating productive global citizens was a goal of our school, but whether it was the mission or the vision seemed hard to decide.

Check ignition and may God's love be with you.

At one point, a young teacher new to our team this year who had been silent all day spoke up. He'd been researching the terms on his iPad as we talked, and he volunteered that as he understood it, a vision remained static, but a mission was more short-term, and could and should change once it was accomplished. For example, you could say NASA's mission was originally to put a man in earth-orbit, and then President Kennedy changed it to landing a man on the moon. There were nods around the table as he spoke. This seemed to make sense.

I'm floating in a most peculiar way, and the stars look very different today.

"So, isn't our mission to help students achieve?" he continued. "And won't we know it's accomplished when we see their test scores?"

Planet Earth is blue, and there's nothing I can do.


  1. Girl, good luck on your mission impossible.
    oh, and Bowie says "I'm floating in the most PECULIAR way.." My favorite line :-)

    1. That has always been my favorite, too, so it's most peculiar that I would mess it up! Thanks for the correction and the sympathy!
