Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Siege Mentality

We got this message from our principal today, buried among her notes and reminders:

We are running low on paper. 120 cartons were ordered for the first 4-5 months of this school year. The next paper order will not be placed until mid-January. Please use copy paper very thoughtfully.

Such a shortage would be the first of its kind in my 21 years of teaching, which is as it should be, considering that we work in one of the wealthiest counties in the country. And while I would never condone wasting paper, I did bristle at the implication that there might not be enough to go around if we continue our thoughtless, educational ways. Shame on me for creating materials for my students.

Can you guess the first reaction of several people I know? They went and got a few reams to lock up in anticipation of hard times.


  1. Sounds like an economics lesson...too bad you're not teaching 3rd grade.

  2. I remember this stuff happening, but not until May! Good grief!! Even then, I remember how insulted I felt to get notice to cut down on paper, and I went out and bought my own supply.

    Maybe this is a set up experiment to see how teachers would do with paperless teaching and use paper shortages as an excuse to further pump up the bright light screen deliveries? I really can't believe there's no money to be found to buy basic paper. How's the toilet paper supply doing so far?

    Really curious where this goes, so keep us updated and let me know if I can make a donation ;-)
