Saturday, March 3, 2012

Pack Animals

Back when our dog was just a puppy, we took her to the dog park almost every single day because we wanted to make sure she was getting enough exercise, especially considering the fact that she stayed home alone most days in our modestly-sized condo. At any rate, the dog park had a social structure of its own. Not only were the dogs trying to decide who was alpha, some of the people seemed engaged in the same kind of contest. After a while though, we were accepted as regular members of the pack. It was rare that we went and didn't know several people, and in a true sign of belonging, almost everyone called our dog by name.

As she grew older, we opted for different forms of exercise, mostly walking, running, or hiking, as well as swimming in the summer, and visiting the dog park became a rare occasion. A few years later, we happened to stop in one evening, maybe because we were in the area, maybe for old time's sake. I guess the relatively short lifespan of dogs accelerates social turnover, because although the place and the culture had not changed, the pack members were all different.

How odd it was to be in such a familiar location and yet treated as a total newcomer. The clear feeling that we would have to find our place in the community all over again was irritating. Frankly, we had other butts to sniff, and as we pushed our way out into the real world, the double gate clanged with finality behind us.


  1. Let me just say first: "we had other butts to sniff" is wonderful! But this whole post is wonderful. I don't have a dog, but I am occasionally on dog-walking duty for my canine neighbors upstairs, and when I go to the park, I am hit with some of what you describe here.

    Sounds to me as if you and your dog have definitely moved on to bigger adventures and greener pastures. Great writing!

  2. I laughed out loud at your final sentence. That is too perfect! I guess no matter where you are there is always a pecking order and you have to figure out where your position is. I like the choices you have made beyond the park.

  3. Sounds like a good choice. Laughed out loud at "We had other butts to sniff." I often think dogs communicate much more clearly than we humans do.
