Thursday, August 18, 2011

This is What 900 Looks Like

A personal milestone passed unrecognized yesterday-- even though I did not realize it until today, it was my 900th consecutive post on this blog. In honor of that fact, I did a bit o' research using the "edit post" feature. Here's a little almanac of WtD so far:

Number of posts that include the word...

walk 98
dog 65

write 160
teach 336
read 356
student 397

family 109
mom 118
sister 60
brother 60 (I know, right?)
nephew 56
niece 11 (That's a fair ratio: we have 5 nephews and 1 niece.)
dad 41

cook 65
garden 52
bike 19
hike 12

lobster 6
potato 14
tomato 23

hate 64
love 143
friend 152
we 862

Yep. That seems like a pretty fair representation of the last couple of years to me.

1000 here I come!

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