Saturday, August 7, 2010


The power surprised us at about 9:30 last night. We had dug out a battery-powered radio and were sitting in the gathering gloom in companion chairs, one rocking the other easy. (You wonder who was in which, right?) Our house guests had retired for the evening-- they wanted an early start this morning-- and so we had settled down for a little companionable conversation as we caught up on the day's news.

We had spent the day out and about. First coffee and breakfast, then a trip to Target, and finally lunch and a movie. How strange it had been to go out where there was plenty of electricity and things proceeded as normal. Somehow it made me feel even more deprived, but after each excursion we returned to our home optimistically, the power will be on, it will, it will, only to be disappointed. Finally we gave up and settled in for the full pioneer package-- Sunday was only a couple of days away.

But then with as little fan fare as you could imagine, one light came on in the kitchen and there was a low collective hum from all the HVAC units in the complex as they were switching on to cool us off, and the great blackout of 2010 had ended.

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