Saturday, May 22, 2010

Just Friends

Yesterday on the walk over for Reading Buddies, I had a funny conversation with one of the kids. "I don't believe in stereotypes," she told me.

"Okay," I nodded in agreement.

"Like, I don't think all teachers were nerds when they were kids," she offered as an example.

"Well, I kind of was," I confessed.

"You were?" she replied, and I admit it, I was flattered by her surprise. "How many friends did you have?"

It was my turn to be surprised. That's not the definition of nerd that I was thinking of. Hmmm... How many friends did I have? I wondered. (Let's not forget my self-professed introversion.)

"In middle school?" I asked. "Do you mean people I knew, people I talked to, or people who were close friends?" I wanted clarification. "Because the answer could be a hundred, twenty-five, or six."

"You only had six friends?" she said. "Wow, you were a nerd!" I shrugged. "Well, how many facebook friends do you have?" she asked with a laugh.

Now that's another story.

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