Sunday, May 16, 2010

Point Taken

I confess that I spend my fair share of time in front of a computer screen. In addition to the usual legitimate business of corresponding, grading, research, and writing, I have a habit of following digital breadcrumbs, hopping merrily from one link to another, and with a click and a click and a click, getting lost in finding out. It's pretty bad when your dog notices, though.

Yesterday as we were on our way out the door to enjoy the gorgeous weather, (weather that I will go on record as saying that if I had to pick a single day to be THE weather forever, it would be pretty close to what was out there yesterday), I stopped by the computer to quickly check one other possible destination for our walk. I was scanning a trail map when I was distracted by a throaty little sound at my elbow. It was the dog, whining-- evidently, she's onto the fact that once I sit down here, it can be hours before my butt leaves the chair, and she was ready to go, NOW.

To my credit, I deferred to her instincts.

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